These lights are heated when the lights are on, when the inside temp reaches 50 C the heat will shut off until needed again.

LEDPlow Lightswith turn signals

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These would be a great fit on Snowdogg plows, older Boss plows, older Western plows, and older Fisher plows, as well as any other brand you can make the dual mount work.

Bestheated plow lights

The can be made to work on just about any plow (with the exception of those listed above) but you may need to modify how they mount if it's a different mounting type. These are mounted with 2 studs with a 3.5" spread, but it appears that they could be mounted with a single stud as well but will not be mounted as securely. These will come with the wire needed to splice into your existing harness.

JW SpeakerheatedHeadlights

Stork's Plows is the East Coast authority for installation of plows and salt spreaders. Browse our online catalog for a small glimpse of our inventory or give us a call at (610) 488-1450. If you're looking for something specific, let us know and we will help you find what you need.

Here is a great set of heated LED plow lights. These are a perfect set for that older plow that may not have an OEM LED option. It will be hard to beat the price on these lights for a heated LED. These are very low profile. We have many other LED options if this is not what you are looking for.

* These will not work on a positive ground vehicle without a ground switching relay added. This includes, but is not limited to, 99-02 Chevy, 99-02 Dodge & some Toyota vehicles.

Stork's Plows is your source for complete snow plows, snow plow pumps, and snow plow parts and accessories. We carry Western, Meyer, Fisher, SnowEx, Blizzard, Diamond and Snoway, along with parts for Boss, Curtis, and Hiniker. We have over 1,000 new and used plows in stock all year!